Warning Signs Your Engine Is Overheating

Warning Signs Your Engine Is Overheating

Ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently is essential for car owners. Your engine is the heart of your car, and overheating can lead to significant problems. Overheating is often a sign of a much more substantial problem and can be detrimental if not addressed quickly

Knowing the warning signs that your engine is overheating can save costly repairs, time, and danger from an unexpected breakdown. Let’s discuss five warning signs you may have an overheating engine.

The Temperature Gauge in Your Dashboard Reads Higher Than Normal

A healthy engine operates at a temperature range of 195–220 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature gauge on the dashboard moves to the red zone or you see the light on the dashboard, this may be a sign that the engine is overheating. It’s essential to shut off your engine immediately and let it cool down before the components sustain severe damage.

Burning Smells

If you start smelling rubber or something burning or you see steam coming from the hood of your car, your engine is likely running too hot. When this happens, it is important to avoid opening the hood until a professional mechanic gives it the all-clear in order to prevent burns or injuries. Pull over to a safe spot, shut off your engine, and call a professional who can take a look at the engine.

Excessive Heat From the Engine

If you touch the hood above the radiator and it feels abnormally hot, your engine is overheating. Excessive heat from the engine causes thermal expansion, leading to an overheated engine. In extreme cases, this can damage the engine.

Engine Misfires

Misfires happen when the engine lacks adequate coolant, which is essential for maintaining the optimal engine temperature. The following causes can trigger misfires: a cracked engine block, damaged cylinder head gasket, or damaged water pump. If you hear popping sounds, backfires, stuttering, or weak acceleration, it is time to hire an expert in engine diagnostics to check your vehicle.

Low Coolant Levels

The most common cause of engine overheating is low levels of coolant. Coolant dissipates the excess heat from engine activity. If the coolant level drops, it cannot keep your engine cool, leading to overheating. Regularly checking your coolant levels can save you from many problems and costly repairs.

The engine is a crucial part of your vehicle, and swift action can save you from costly damages when it overheats. Before adding accessories like aftermarket automotive grilles or spoilers, know how to identify the signs of an overheating engine to protect yourself and preserve the longevity of your vehicle. If you encounter symptoms of an overheating engine, it’s best to pull over to a safe spot, shut off the engine, and call for help from a professional mechanic. Preventive maintenance, such as regular engine and coolant level checks, can keep your engine healthy, safe, and functional for miles.

American Modified has many products and accessories for your vehicle. Visit our website to shop for all your automotive needs now!

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